A mentor in
your pocket!

A mentor in your pocket!

Career mentorship, anywhere, anytime on the world’s first mobile mentoring platform.

Mentor To Go helps students connect with industry mentors, engage in planned learning, and achieve their goals.

Explore the App

Build your profile

We do a basic background survey for both  mentors and mentees to verify them and curate strong matches!

Learning hub

Curated modules and resources are provided to mentors and mentees to prepare themselves for their Mentor To Go sessions before diving in. 

Matching algorithm

Based on mentees career interests and preferences, we match them with mentors who fit the bill.

Designed to enhance learning

An evidence based curriculum with activities, quizzes, and live discussions to grow technical skills and soft skills.

Why use Mentor to go?

It’s free to use

Flexible session scheduling

1:1 guidance


Work on one platform throughout

Expand your skillset

Real people. Real stories.
Real impact

Their words, not ours

Join Us!

An evidence based curriculum that involves activities, quizzes, and live discussions to expand technical skills and soft skills.